Vicenza, Italy

Project Summary:
Construction of a new multi-story high school with functional areas containing neighborhoods, learning studios, learning hubs, staff collaboration areas, career technical education areas, computing center, science labs, art room, music suites, junior reserve officer training corps firing range/classrooms, occupational therapy/physical therapy, learning impaired mild/moderate/severe, a commons area, performance space, information center, a physical education area with gymnasium, food service, administrative offices, guidance counseling center, and other required areas for a fully functioning high school. In addition to the multi-story high school, the project will construct a single story field house with functional areas containing concession, concession storage, restrooms, team equipment storage and a covered gathering area.
In addition to the multi-story high school, the project will construct a single story field house with functional areas containing concession, concession storage, restrooms, team equipment storage, and a covered gathering area.
Typical construction is anticipated to consist of concrete beam and pile foundation, concrete and structural steel frame, concrete exterior walls, gypsum wallboard partitions, and reinforced concrete walls.
The project includes related infrastructure such as heating, ventilation and cooling central plant equipment expansion, water, sewer, electrical, gas, telecommunications and storm water utilities, reconfiguration of bus parking areas to increase available parking, mechanical rooms, emergency access lanes and delivery areas. The project includes site improvements including athletic fields, athletic courts, service drive, signage, fencing, paving, landscaping, exterior lighting, utilities, and electrical equipment enclosure, as well as outdoor learning areas.
Construction Budget: $33.7 million
Anticipated Completion: Fall 2022
Project Team:
Commissioning Agents: NV5 and Building Performance Advisors