Dartmouth College-Hanover, New Hampshire

Project Summary
The Black Family Visual Arts Center (BVAC) is a three-story, 105,000 square foot building that occupies a site along Lebanon Street at the south side of the Dartmouth College campus. A short time after construction of the building was completed in 2012, performance-related concerns related to the building enclosure systems became evident. Reported issues included efflorescence and brown staining on wall claddings; deteriorating exterior wall insulation; water intrusion through the walls in a few locations; and ice accumulating on roof areas overhanging sidewalks and service areas.
Building Performance Advisors performed a comprehensive assessment of the BVAC for the Department of Facilities Operations and Management to provide information related to the condition, performance and maintenance of building enclosure assemblies. The results of BPA’s analysis were presented in a report summarizing each of our findings, including: the affected building components affected by the condition; its severity and impact on building performance; a classification of the issue (i.e. design-related, construction deficiency, material failure, etc.); and a recommended course of action to remedy or address the condition.
See the campus here.
Dartmouth College
Machado Silvetti Associates
William A. Berry & Son, Inc.
Building envelope forensic analysis